The Benefits of Trees

As someone who works in the tree care industry, I would just assume that everyone realizes how important trees are to our world and more importantly in our urban environments. But as I drive around town looking at trees in various yards and around numerous business, I realize that people take for granted the benefits of their trees. And maybe it’s just me, but it seems obvious that most people don’t realize how important trees are by the care they give to their trees. So lets talk tree benefits!

First, trees create housing for so many of our animal friends. Birds, squirrels and so many other wonderful creatures live in or off the trees we care for. This housing is as valuable to them as our own housing is to us. The trees are their habitat, so caring for the trees is caring for animal habitats.

If animals aren’t your thing, then maybe saving a few dollars might be reason enough to care for your trees. Trees provide shade that helps our homes reduce their daily need for electricity. Yes, trees help us save money! Studies have shown that you can decrease your monthly and yearly electricity bill by up to 30% depending on the number of trees planted in close proximity to your home. So planting the right trees around your home and caring for them throughout their life will come back to your wallet.

On top of this, trees help clean the air, reduce noise pollution, improve the soil, reduce violence, enhance views, and bring people together. Wow that’s a lot, so you can see why I would just assume everyone knows how valuable trees are due to all their benefits. I for one see these benefits as the perfect reason for putting time and money into the care of our trees. But if you don’t take my word for it, then maybe you will like the study I found that breaks the value of trees down into actual money.

One article I read from Update Forestry at Michigan State University, said “a tree is worth $193,250.00”. Well that seems like a lot, but they broke it down to explain how they came up with that number. They say, “a tree living 50 years will generate $31,250.00 worth of oxygen, provide $62,000,00 worth of air pollution control, control soil erosion and increase soil fertility to the tune of $31,250.00, recycle $37,500.00 worth of water and provide a home for animals worth $31,250.00. This figure does not include the value of fruits, lumber or beauty derived from tress.” With all this, I would assume that everyone would become a tree hugger for lack of a better word, but sad to say that isn’t the case.

So as you drive around today, take the time to notice the trees around homes, businesses, parks and more. See if they look healthy and see what they are doing to make our lives healthier! I am sure you will come to the same conclusion as me, trees are something that should be cared for like a prized possession, because they care for us like we are their children!

“Healthy trees make healthier people!”

Bofinger’s Tree Service Mission Statement:
We believe in safe, superior service and strengthening client relationships through honesty, education, and awareness that trees play a vital part in our community while promoting a greener environment.